Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 11

  1. Starting Chapter 11 (Searching and Browsing)
  2. Checked website and it appears okay.
  3. Created and filled-in views/community/_search_form.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (11.1/p.328)
  4. Created and filled-in views/community/search.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (11.1/p.328)
  5. Brought up Figure 11.1 (web page) and it worked. (F11.1/p.330)
  6. Installed ferret gem (0.11.5 - x86-mswin32) downloading it and installing it with "--local". (p.330)
  7. Ran this to install plugin (p.331): ruby script/plugin install svn://
  8. Tried to run "rake', but it was broken with this error msg: no such file to load -- ferret_ext (p.332)
  9. Updated models/spec.rb and ran "rake", but still broken. (11.4/p.332)
  10. Updated models/faq.rb and ran "rake", but still broken. (11.5/p.332)
  11. So I did this:
    problem solved, for those poor Windows users like me:
    1) gem install ferret -v=0.11.5 --platform mswin32
    2) gem install acts_as_ferret
    3) add "require 'acts_as_ferret'" in config/environment.rb
    4) from C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\ferret-0.11.5-x86-mswin32\ext
    copy/paste to
  12. Tried step 11 and DID NOT WORK for me.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 10

  1. Starting Chapter 10 (Community).
  2. Checked website and it appears okay.
  3. Created Community controller with 3 views (index, browse, search). Had to rename the "html.erb" to "rhtml" suffixes on the views. (p.303-304)
  4. Updated views/layouts/application.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed (18,110,0,0) (26,132,,0,0) (1,2,0,0). (10.1/p.304)
  5. Created lib/tasks/sample_data.rake file. (10.2/p.306)
  6. Ran this: $ rake db:sample_data:load (p.307) and got this:
    (in C:/cygwin/home/jasnow/SPACE-RAILSSPACE/railsspace)
    Loaded data from users.yml
    Loaded data from specs.yml
    Loaded data from faqs.yml
  7. Checked config/routes.rb in Listing 10.3 with current version. Looked OK, so no change. (10.3/p.309)
  8. Updated community_controller.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.4/p.312)
  9. Updated views/community/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.5/p.313)
  10. Updated public/stylesheets/site.css file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.6/p.315)
  11. Brought up Figure 10.2 (web page) and it worked. WOW!!! (F10.2/p.316)
  12. Updated views/community/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.7/p.316)
  13. Created and filled in views/community/_user_table.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.8/p.316)
  14. Checked config/routes.rb in Listing 10.9 with current version. Looked OK, so no change. (10.9/p.317)
  15. Updated models/user.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.10/p.317)
  16. Updated models/spec.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.11/p.318)
    17. Updated public/stylesheets/site.css file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.12/p.318)
  17. Brought up Figure 10.3 (web page) (also Figure 10.1) and it worked for "S" (Snow"). WOW!!! (F10.3, F10.1/p.318,308)
  18. Updated helpers/application_helper.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.13/p.320)
  19. Changed one line (map.connect '', :controller => 'site', :action => 'index', :id => nil) in config/routes.rb file, RESTARTED SERVER, and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.14/p.320)
  20. Brought up Figure 10.4 (web page)) and it worked for "S" (Snow"). (F10.4/p.320)
  21. SKIPPING SECTION 10.4.1 (Adding pagination) because I had problems with plugin. (10.15,10.16, 10.17,10.18/p.321-323)
  22. Solution:
  23. Created and filled in views/community/_result_summary.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.19/p.323)
  24. Updated views/community/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.20/p.325)
  25. End of Chapter 10 (no pagination), so pushed the code to (p.325)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 9

  1. Starting Chapter 10 (Community).
  2. Created Community controller with 3 views (index, browse, search). Had to rename the "html.erb" to "rhtml" suffix on the views. (p.303-304)
  3. Updated views/layouts/application.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed (18,110,0,0) (26,132,,0,0) (1,2,0,0). (10.1/p.304)
  4. Created new directory, lib/tasks/sample/data. (p.305)
  5. Created lib/tasks/sample_data.rake file. (10.2/p.306)
  6. Ran this: $ rake db:sample_data:load (p.307) and got this:
    (in C:/cygwin/home/jasnow/SPACE-RAILSSPACE/railsspace)
    Loaded data from users.yml
    Loaded data from specs.yml
    Loaded data from faqs.yml
  7. Checked config/routes.rb in Listing 10.3 with current version. Looked OK, so no change. (10.3/p.309)
  8. Updated community_controller.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.4/p.312)
  9. Updated views/community/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.5/p.313)
  10. Updated public/stylesheets/site.css file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.6/p.315)
  11. Brought up Figure 10.2 (web page) and it worked. WOW!!! (F10.2/p.316)
  12. Updated views/community/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.7/p.316)
  13. Created and filled in views/community/_user_table.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.8/p.316)
  14. Checked config/routes.rb in Listing 10.9 with current version. Looked OK, so no change. (10.9/p.317)
  15. Updated models/user.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.10/p.317)
  16. Updated models/spec.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.11/p.318)
  17. Updated public/stylesheets/site.css file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.12/p.318)
  18. Brought up Figure 10.3 (web page) (also Figure 10.1) and it worked for "S" (Snow"). WOW!!! (F10.3, F10.1/p.318,308)
  19. Updated helpers/application_helper.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.13/p.320)
  20. Changed one line ( map.connect '', :controller => 'site', :action => 'index', :id => nil) in config/routes.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.14/p.320)
  21. Brought up Figure 10.4 (web page)) and it worked for "S" (Snow"). (F10.4/p.320)
  22. Updated community_controller.rb file TWICE and ran "rake" both times and all tests passed. (10.15,10.16/p.322)
  23. Updated helpers/application_helper.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.17/p.322)
  24. Updated views/community/_user_table.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.18/p.323)
  25. Created and filled in views/community/_result_summary.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.19/p.323)
  26. Updated views/community/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (10.20/p.325)
  27. Ran "http://localhost:3000/community/index/S" and got this error:
    undefined method `paginate' for #
  28. So I googled for an answer and got this. Ran this: ./script/plugin install svn://
  29. Had problems with solution so went bad to hopefuly good Listing 10.15 for community_controller.rb. (p.322)
  30. Reversed Listing 10.17 for helpers/application_helper.rb. (p.322)
  31. ROLLED BACKED sections 10.4.1 (Adding pagination) and 10.4.2 (A results summary) (last 2 sections in chapter 10). (p.321-325) Summary: 10.16 => 10.4; 10.17 => 10.13; 10.18 => 10.8; 10.20 => 10.7.
  33. START CHAPTER 10 again tomorrow.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 8 - Chapter 9

  1. Starting Chapter 9 (Personal Profiles).
  2. Created Profile controller with 2 actions (index, show). (p.257)
  3. Edited the config/routes.rb file. (9.1/p.257-258)
  4. Edited the profile_controller. (9.2/p.258)
  5. Edited two views: show.rhtml, index.rhtml (9.3,9.4/p.259)
  6. Created and edited Spec model (migration). Then do the migration/Done. (9.5/p.260-262)
  7. Edited models/spec.rb. (9.6/p.262)
  8. Edited config/environment.rb (9.7/p.263)
  9. Tried to run user_controller_tests and it is broken.
  10. Edited models/user.rb. (9.8/p.265)
  11. Edited models/spec.rb. (9.9/p.265)
  12. Repeated step 2 (new Profile controller) Ran "rake"/Worked.
  13. SKIPPED STEP 3 (routes.rb). DID NOT CHANGE config/routes.rb. ######
  14. Repeated step 4 (profile_controller). Ran "rake"/Worked.
  15. Repeated step 5 (2 views). Ran "rake"/Worked.
  16. Repeated step 6 (new Spec model). Skipped the migration because I did it before. Also had to delete the Migration I just created, but did not want to use because rake would not run until migration was done. Ran 'rake"/Worked. Got extra test.
  17. Repeated step 7 (edited spec model). Ran "rake"/Worked.
  18. SKIPPED STEP 8 (environment.rb). DID NOT CHANGE config/ environment.rb.
  19. Could not continue safety with chapter 9 so I stopped for lunch and study group.
  20. Later I went back and read the whole chapter and marked it up.
  21. Brought up the project. Walked successfully thru the top level windows and ran "rake" (all the tests). All tests (11,54,0,0) (19,94,0,0) (1,2,0,0) ran cleanly.
  22. So starting Chapter 9 again.
  23. step 2: Profile controller is already created, so skipped. (p.257)
  24. step 4: profile_controller has already be edited, so skipped. (9.2/p.258)
  25. step 5: Two views has already be edited, so skipped. (9.3,9.4/p.259)
  26. step 6: Spec model already been created/migrated, so skipped. (9.5/p.260-261)
  27. step 7; Spec.rb already been edited, so skipped. (9.6/p.262)
  28. step 3: YES, I edited the new lines into config/routes.rb file and commented out the old lines. Then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.1/p.257)
  29. Brought up Figure 9.1 (web page) and it worked. WOW!!! (F9.1/p.254)
  30. step 8+9: YES, I edited (added one line: DB_STRING_MAX_LENGTH = 255) to end of config/environment.rb file. THE TRICK WAS NOT DOING THIS STEP AS A CUT-AND-PASTE. Restarted web server and then ran "rake" (step 9) and all tests passed. (9.7/p.263)
  31. Brought up Figure 9.2 (bad user) (web page) and it worked. WOW!!! (F9.2/p.259-260)
  32. step 10: Repeated edit on models/user.rb and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.8/p.265)
  33. step 11: Repeated edit on models/spec.rb and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.9/p.265)
  34. Created new Spec controller with 2 views (index, edit) and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (p.266)
  35. Edited application.rb controller and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. NOTE: Got one new test and one new assertion. (9.10/p.266-267)
  36. Filled out new spec_controller.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.11/p.267)
  37. Edit helpers/applcation_helper.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.12/p.269)
  38. Edited (added one line: HTML_TEXT_FIELD_SIZE = 15) to end of config/environment.rb file. Restarted web server and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.13/p.269-270)
  39. Filled out new view/spec/edit.rhtml file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.14/p.270-271)
  40. Brought up Figure 9.3(web page) and it worked ONCE I LOGGED IN. WOW!!! (F9.3/p.271)
  41. Tried Figure 9.4(web page) and it worked sort of (less params). (F9.4/p.272)
  42. Edited application.rb controller and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.15/p.272-273)
  43. Edited spec_controller.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.16/p.273)
  44. Edited spec_controller_test.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests but 5 assertions passed. Also got 5 new tests, s9 (11,54,0,0) (24,94,0,5)(1,2,0). (9.17/p.273-274)
  45. Edited test/test_helper.rb file and ran "rake" and got same results as step 44. (9.18/p.275)
  46. Filled out test/fixtures/specs.yml file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed with some new numbers (11,54,0,0) (24,127,0,0)(1,2,0). (9.19/p.275) FIXED
  47. Filled out new test/unit/spec_test.rb and then ran "rake" and all tests passed with some new numbers (17,83,0,0) (24,127,0,0)(1,2,0). (9.20/p.276)
  48. Edited user_controller.rb and then ran "rake" and all tests passed with 3 new assertions (17,83,0,0) (24,130,0,0)(1,2,0). (9.21/p.277)
  49. Edited models/spec.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed (9.22/p.277)
  50. Edited views/layouts/application.rhtml file and some middle tests failed (24,89,8,0) (9.23/p.278)
  51. Repeated previous step because I mis-cut-pasted it and ran rake and all tests passed. (9.23/p.278)
  52. Created and filled in brand new public/stylesheets/profile.css file and ran rake and all tests passed (same numbers). (9.24/p.278)
  53. Created and filled in brand new (I THINK) views/user/index.rhtml file and ran rake and all tests passed (same numbers). (9.25/p.279)
  54. Edited views/user/index.rhtml file and ran rake and all tests passed (same numbers). (9.26/p.281)
  55. Created and filled in views/spec/_field_row.rhtml partial file and all tests passed (same numbers). (9.27/p.281)
  56. I renamed views/user/index.html.erb to hid_index.html.erb and refreshed hub page and got Figure 9.5(web page) and also Figure 9.6 (web page) with the "Empty right column, for now" (F9.5/p.280) so somewhere a long the way index.html.erb went away. Then ran "rake" and all tests passed (same numbers). (9.27, F9.5, F9.6/p.281-282)
  57. Edited (changed one word: s/map.connect/map.profile/) in config/routes.rb file. Restarted web server and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.28/p.283)
  58. Filled in app/helpers/profile_helper.rb file, restarted web server and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.28/p.283)
  59. Edited app/helpers/profile_helper.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.29/p.284)
  60. Edited user_controller.rb file and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.29.5/SEE ERATA/see bottom of p.284)
  61. Edited views/user/index.rthml file and then ran "rake" and some middle tests failed (24,125,0,2). (9.30/p.285-286)
  62. Edited public/stylesheets/profile.css file and then ran "rake" and some middle tests failed (24,125,0,2). (9.31/p.286)
  63. Created and filled in lib/string.rb file and ran "rake" and got same results as previous step. (9.32/p.287)
  64. Edited app/helpers/application_helper.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.33/p.287) FIXED
  65. Brought up Figure 9.7 (web page) and it worked. WOW!!! (F9.7/p.289)
  66. Created new Faq model. (p.288)
  67. Filled in migration script (....create faqs.rb) and ran "rake" and all tests passed. Got one new test and one new assertion. (9.34/p.289)
  68. Filled in new Faq model and ran "rake" and got same results as previous step. (9.35/p.290)
  69. Edited (added one line: DB_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 40000) to end of config/environment.rb file. Restarted web server and then ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.36/p.290)
  70. Created new Faq controller with 2 views (index, edit). (p.292)
  71. Filled in new faq_controller.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. Got one new middle test and one new middle assertion. (9.35/p.290)
  72. Edited (added one line: map.hub 'user', :controller => 'user', :action => 'index') in config/routes.rb file. Restarted web server and then ran "rake" and all tests passed as previous step. (9.39/p.292)
  73. Filled in new faq_controller.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.40/p.293)
  74. Filled in new views/faq/edit.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.41/p.293)
  75. Created and filled in views/faq/_answer_text_area.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.42/p.294)
  76. Updated public/stylesheets/profile.css and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.43/p.294)
  77. Updated user_controller.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.44/p.295)
  78. Updated user_controller.rb file again and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.45/p.296)
  79. Filled in new views/user/index.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed except 2 assertions. (9.46/p.296)
  80. Created and filled in views/faq/_sidebar_box.rhtml file and all tests passed. (9.47/p.297) FIXED
  81. Filled test/fixtures/faqs.yml file. (9.48/p.298)
  82. Filled in test/unit/faq.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests (18,110,0,0) (25,131,0,0) (1,2,0,0) passed. (9.49/p.299)
  83. Update profile_controller.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.50/p.300)
  84. Update helpers/profile_helper.rb file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.51/p.300)
  85. Filled in views/profile/show.rhtml file and ran "rake" and all tests passed. (9.52/p.301)
  86. End of Chapter 10 so I pushed it to

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 8

  2. Starting Chapter 8. (p.225)
  3. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.1/p.226)
  4. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.2/p.226)
  5. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.3/p.226-227)
  6. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.4/p.227-228)
  7. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.5/p.229)
  8. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.6/p.230)
  9. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.7/p.231)
  10. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.8/p.232)
  11. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.9/p.233)
  12. Walked through the login and edit window and they appear solid. (8.10/p.234)
  13. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.11/p.236)
  14. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.12/p.236)
  15. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.13/p.237)
  16. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.14/p.239)
  17. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,82,0,0) (8.15/p.240)
  18. BREAK STUFF - i think.
  19. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,71,1,0) (8.16/p.240-241)
  20. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,71,1,0) (8.17/p.241)
  21. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,67,0,1) (8.18/p.242-243)
  22. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,80,0,0) (8.19/p.242-243) FIXED
  23. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (12,53,0,0) (8.20/p.243)
  24. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (12,53,0,0) (8.21/p.244)
  25. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (12,53,0,0) (8.22/p.245)
  27. Created thre new (8.23: _email_field_row,rhtml, 8.24: _screen_name_field_row.rhtml, 8.27,8.29: _password_field_row.rhtml) partials and modified three (8.25,8.30: login.rhtml, 8.26,8.28: edit.rhtml, 8.31: register.rhtml) old partials. (8.28/p.246-249)
  28. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (14,81,0,0) (8.19/p.242-243) FIXED
  29. Ran this; $ rake (p.252) - End of Chapter 8.
    (in C:/cygwin/home/jasnow/SPACE-RAILSSPACE/railsspace)
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deep
    dive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/r
    Started ..........
    Finished in 0.372 seconds.
    10 tests, 53 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deep
    dive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/
    functional/site_controller_test.rb" "test/functional/user_controller_test.rb"
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/r
    Started ..................
    Finished in 0.594 seconds.
    18 tests, 93 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deep
    dive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/r
    Finished in 0.354 seconds.
    1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
  30. End of Chapter 8, so pushed the code to (p.252)
  31. #########################################
  32. Moving Chapter 9 stuff to separate blog entry. Bye.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 7

  1. RailsSpace Journey: As I stated yesterday, I messed up the source code/project so after some consideration, I have decided to start over.
  2. NOTE THAT ALL PAGE NUMBERS ARE FROM RailsSpace Book unless otherwise.
  3. Created a new project, railsspace, inside netbeans. Also deleted railsspace_development and railsspace_test database. (p.16)
  4. Started up server and it worked http://localhost:300/ (p.18)
  5. Created a controller with 3 actions (index, about, help). (p.21)
  6. Fixed routes.rb and deleted public/index.html (p.25-26). Had to rebuild railsspace_development and railsspace_test database, so I did it and web page worked.
  7. End of Chapter 2, so pushed the code to (p.41)
  8. git init, git add . , git commit -m "comment" ; git remote add origin ; git push origin master
  9. End of Chapter 3, so pushed the code to (p.64)
  10. Created user controller with 2 actons (index, register) (p.66)
  11. End of Chapter 4, so pushed the code to (p.95)
  12. Ran "rake db:test:prepare" (p.99)
  13. Ran "ruby test/functional/site_controller_test.rb" (1,1,0,0) (p.99)
  14. Ran "ruby test/functional/site_controller_test.rb" (3,7,1,0) (p.101-102)
  15. Ran "ruby test/functional/site_controller_test.rb" (3,9,0,0) (p.102-103)
  16. Ran "rake test:functionals" (4,10,0,0) (p.104)
  17. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (1,3,0,0) (p.104)
  18. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (1,8,0,0) (p.106)
  19. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (2,12,0,0) (p.107)
  20. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (3,210,0) (p.108-109)
  21. Ran "rake test:functionals" (6,30,0,0) (p.110)
  22. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (1,1,0,0) (p.112-113)
  23. Ran "rake test:units" (1,1,0,0) (p.113)
  24. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (2,2,0,0) (p.113)
  25. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (2,5,0,0) (p.114)
  26. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (3,8,0,0) (p.116)
  27. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (5,14,0,0) (p.117)
  28. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (7,20,0,0) (p.120)
  29. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (8,22,0,0) (p.121)
  30. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (9,29,0,0) (p.122)
  31. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (10,47,0,0) (p.123)
  32. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (12,53,0,0) (p.124-125)
  33. Ran "ruby test/unit/user_test.rb" (12,53,0,0) (p.125)
  34. Ran "$rake" (p.128) and got this; C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/unit/user_test.rb"
    (in C:/cygwin/home/jasnow/SPACE-RAILSSPACE/railsspace)
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
    Finished in 0.407 seconds.
    12 tests, 53 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/functional/site_controller_test.rb" "test/functional/user_controller_test.rb"
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
    Finished in 0.443 seconds.
    6 tests, 30 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb"
  35. Then ran this: $ rake stats (p.129)
    (in C:/cygwin/home/jasnow/SPACE-RAILSSPACE/railsspace)
    | Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M |
    | Controllers | 47 | 30 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 4 |
    | Helpers | 11 | 10 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 8 |
    | Models | 29 | 23 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | Libraries | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | Integration tests | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | Functional tests | 129 | 104 | 4 | 10 | 2 | 8 |
    | Unit tests | 163 | 113 | 1 | 13 | 13 | 6 |
    | Total | 379 | 280 | 9 | 29 | 3 | 7 |
    Code LOC: 63 Test LOC: 217 Code to Test Ratio: 1:3.4
  36. End of Chapter 5, so pushed the code to (p.129)
  37. Ran "rake db:sessions:create" (p.133)
  38. Edited environment.rb. (p.133)
  39. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (3,23,0,0) (p.135)
  40. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (3,23,0,0) (p.143)
  41. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (4,30,0,0) (p.143-144)
  42. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (5,34,0,0) (p.144)
  43. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (7,42,0,0) (p.145)
  44. Ran "rake test:recent" (7,42,0,0) (p.146)
  45. Ran "ruby test/functional/site_controller_test.rb" (4,12,0,0) (p.149)
  46. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (8,47,0,0) (p.149)
  47. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (9,50,0,0) (p.150)
  48. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (9,50,0,0) (p.150)
  49. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (9,50,0,0) (p.151)
  50. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (BROKEN TEST RUN ) (p.152)
  51. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (9,50,0,0) (p.154)
  52. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (10,53,0,0) (p.155)
  53. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (11,55,0,0) (p.155)
  54. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (11,55,0,0) (p.159)
  55. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (11,55,0,0) (p.160-161)
  56. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (11,55,0,0) (p.162)
  57. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (12,61,0,0) (p.162-163)
  58. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,66,0,0) (p.163)
  59. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,66,0,0) (p.166)
  60. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,66,0,0) (p.167)
  61. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,67,1,0) (p.167)
  62. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,67,1,0) (p.168-169)
  63. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,67,1,0) (p.169)
  64. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,67,1,0) (p.170)
  65. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,67,1,0) (p.170)
  66. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) FINALLY FIXED. (p.170)
  67. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.172)
  68. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.173)
  69. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.173)
  70. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.174)
  71. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.174-175)
  72. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,1,0) (p.175)
  73. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.176) FIXED
  74. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.176-177)
  75. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.177)
  76. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.177)
  77. Ran "ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb" (13,68,0,0) (p.178-179)
  78. Then ran this: $ rake
    (in C:/cygwin/home/jasnow/SPACE-RAILSSPACE/railsspace)
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deep
    dive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/r
    Finished in 0.413 seconds.
    12 tests, 53 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deep
    dive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/
    functional/site_controller_test.rb" "test/functional/user_controller_test.rb"
    Loaded suite C:/cygdrive/c/deepdive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/gems/rake-0.8.5/lib/r
    Finished in 0.523 seconds.
    17 tests, 80 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
    C:/DeepDive/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -I"lib;test" "C:/cygdrive/c/deep
  79. End of Chapter 6, so pushed the code to (p.180)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My RailsSpace Journey - Day 6

  1. Test suites are broken/must repair and put into git.
  2. So I rolled it back to end of Chapter 7 (I hope). Looks like my environment/configuration is hosed.